Student Media World Association successfully conducted an online public debate
On Friday, June 25, 2021, Student Media World Association successfully conducted an online public debate to discuss "The joint strategy on the Biodiversity Preservation" with stakeholders from Bulgaria in the framework of the project "Mobile Biodiversity" of the Cooperation Program "Interreg V - A Greece Bulgaria".
The project "Mobile Biodiversity" is implemented within the Cooperation Program "Interreg V - A Greece - Bulgaria" of the Programming Period 2014-2020 which is co-funded by 85% from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by 15% from national resources of the participating countries.
The partnership consists of partners from both countries. Municipality of Kresna (Lead Partner) - Bulgaria, Student Media World Association (SMWA) - Bulgaria, Municipality of Paggaio - Greece and the Hellenic Development City Network - Greece.
The public debate was attended by 35 participants. The participants had the opportunity to get to know the Project and discuss "The joint strategy on the Biodiversity Preservation".
Ms. Ralitsa Kuzmanova, Biodiversity Expert in SMWA on behalf of the Association made the presentation of the Project and the strategy. Ms. Gabriela Neykova, from P-United Ltd, Biodiversity Expert, referred to the "Biodiversity Assessment in the area of Kresna Municipality”. The strategy was presented and discussed as a comprehensive long-term action plan of specific measures grouped under wider actions which are finally categorized under four main Axes.
The debate ended with an open discussion with the participants, who represented the stakeholders from the region in Bulgaria. During the discussion opinions were presented on the presented strategy and the measures envisaged in it were discussed, incl. the importance and conservation of biodiversity.
You can download the joint strategy from here : Joint Biodiversity Assessment Strategy
You can download Biodiversity Assessment from here: Biodiversity Assessment